The Yukon. Its climate is warm in the summers but not hot, only reaching 80 degrees F at the most, with days as long as 24 hours. The average winter is bitter cold only reaching 39 degrees F as a high for winter, its low reaches 59 degrees F below 0. Today is a perfect day to go hunting for a Polar Bear with my 22 Browning. The Yukon territory is 186,660 miles or 483,450 kilometers. I'm going about halfway acrossed to hunt. Its estimated population of 2003 was 3,100. 58.7% of that is urban and only 41.3% is rural, which seems interesting since there are a lot of farmers. But I will be far away from everyone. The Yukon is split into two different regions, the Taiga which is mostly forests, and the Tundra which is mostly rocky Arctic plains. I'm goiung to be in the Tundra hunting the 12 foot tall Polar Bear. Their main economy is food, wood, printing and publishing. They export valuable furs, most people there trap. I want to sell the fur and get at least $3,5000. They also export fish as food. There was a gold rush in 1896 in the Yukon. The residents there speak mostly English or French, I speak French. I am about half way to where I'm going to hunt. The Polar Bear is very elusive and the only way you find one is by tracks or by running into one accidentally. Luckly I've seem to run into some tracks and I'm going to follow them. I am one lucky dog because its close by. I have set up and got close enough to take the shot. BANG!!! I have taken the shot and it seemed to go cleanly through the heart. Now all I need to do is clean it up and sell the fur. This is the Yukon, only located in Canada.
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